Holistic health solutions.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic system of healthcare based on an extensive body of knowledge developed over thousands of years. As a practitioner, Jo draws upon traditional knowledge and contemporary research in recommending a range of treatment modalities which may include acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, gua sha, cupping therapy, along with diet and lifestyle advice. The underlying theory of TCM is that health requires an abundant supply of Qi flowing through the body’s meridians, and illness is the result of a Qi disorder. In TCM, Qi can be loosely translated as vital energy or life force.
Jo will generally integrate several healing modalities into your session, addressing your unique constitution, health concerns and wellness needs.
Following a diagnostic consultation, very fine sterile needles are skilfully inserted into specific points on the body to obtain Qi. This influences reaction areas and has neuro-physical effects that correct and heal the body. You simply relax and surrender to this restorative practice. Minimal discomfort is felt during acupuncture and certainly once your treatment is complete any pain is alleviated and you will feel very relaxed. In the case of chronic health conditions and long term pain, a course of treatment is required to obtain optimal results.
Moxibustion - or “moxa” as it is commonly known - uses the herb Mugwort vulgaris, which is grown, harvested and prepared in Japan and China. During treatment, you will certainly notice the burning herb’s distinctive aroma and generally feel some warmth. The heat moves blood and Qi and can be beneficial in alleviating pain, reducing inflammation, improving mobility, increasing energy, regulating the nervous system, improving immunity, invigorating metabolism and promoting longevity. Moxibustion is a stand-alone therapy, however, I generally use it with the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture and massage. The absolute sense of calm and relaxation provides an ideal foundation for healing.
Cupping therapy stimulates the sensory nerves of the skin, influencing the autonomic nervous system and directly connecting to internal organs via acu-points along meridiens. Cupping therapy also stimulates blood and lymph, encouraging the elimination of toxins and nourishing the tissues to support a healthier immune system. Following trauma and injury, blood tends to stagnate and contribute to ongoing pain. Cupping can be beneficial in alleviating this blood stagnation. The full benefits of cupping may require a course of 5-10 treatments, however it can also be beneficial used in conjunction with acupuncture and other TCM modalities.
Gua sha
A technique using a smooth jade stone or a ceramic spoon to scrape and apply pressure to the skin. Sensory impressions are conducted through the skin to a deeper level, reaching connective tissue, muscle and - via the meridians - organ level. The movement of Qi and blood stasis via gua sha increases circulation, can release obstructions and alleviate pain, and can be helpful in the management of colds and fever. Sometimes, with intention, it causes small injuries to the body which appear as red spots or bruising. This micro-trauma helps with fibrosis, the build-up of connective tissue that can arise from healing.
Herbal medicine
Herbal medicine is still the most widely practiced form of medicine in the world. It even contributes largely toward modern day pharmaceutical preparations. As a stand-alone therapy, herbal medicine offers a broad range of therapeutic actions, allays concerns about the adverse effects of chemical (synthetic) medicines, and satisfies a desire for more personalised health care. Herbal medicines are widely perceived as natural and safe. However, toxicity can occur when herbs are taken with prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications or other herbs, thus an important part of prescribing herbal medicines is considering drug and herbal interactions to ensure safe prescribing. Based on your current health status, Jo formulates very personalised herbal tonics from her apothecary. Several herbal extracts are combined, drawing on western and oriental energetics, to obtain the synergistic effects of compounding.
For optimal health, Jo emphasises the importance of a nutrient dense, low-glycaemic, low-sugar, anti-inflammatory and plant-rich diet. If you are looking for help with specific conditions such as auto-immune, hormonal or gastro-intestinal support, Jo will tailor dietary guidelines for your particular needs. She also weaves her food therapy expertise into your personal dietary recommendations. Food therapy is an oriental approach to good nutrition that considers the energetics of food - for example, warming, cooling, astringent - to cultivate ultimate vitality. Nutrition as a science has evolved considerably in recent years and we have witnessed the dawn of nutri-genetics (how our genes determine our response to nutrition) and nutria-genomics (how nutrition effects our gene expression). The impact of diet and lifestyle changes on modifying gene expression has been demonstrated in several studies. Jo’s clinical decisions are based on the latest research, enabling her to deliver effective, personalised evidence-based clinical nutritional recommendations.
“When it comes to nutrition, my approach is to focus on enhancing food groups rather than simply trying to be restrictive.”
— Jo Riley
Functional pathology
Functional pathology testing is high quality scientific testing that can be particularly valuable if you have endured long term compromised health. It investigates your functional biochemical, nutritional, hormonal and metabolic status. Providing insight into biochemical function - and not just focusing on the presence or absence of disease - it can establish the cause of imbalances and disease, identify the underlying causes of ongoing symptoms, provide a tool for early intervention and management, and can be used to track progress and treatment efficacy.
Naturopathic consultations (tele-health available)
True to the core principle of naturopathy, which is to ‘heal through nature’, Jo aims to identify and treat the underlying cause of disease and disharmony in order to restore optimal health. Naturopathy is a whole medical system utilising evidence based nutritional medicine, herbal medicine and diet and lifestyle guidelines. In addition to the prescription of therapeutic herbs and nutrients, changes to diet and lifestyle may be essential. A naturopathic consultation can assist you in identifying and managing stressors to your health. These can be physical, mental or emotional and may include food sensitivities, stimulants, relationship, family or work stress, excessive refined foods and sugar, alcohol and the consumption of other recreational drugs, a sedentary lifestyle. To obtain substantial benefits, some change to diet and lifestyle is most likely necessary. Professional grade supplements may be prescribed and can be arranged via an online patient order system following your consultation. Online patient orders are currently available to Australian and New Zealand residents only.