Detox for Hormonal Health


Hormones are part of the endocrine system, a complex and intricate symphony of organs glands and hormones that, when balanced and healthy, play together like a finely tuned orchestra. Unfortunately, our modern lifestyles can disrupt the hormonal balance and the orchestra becomes more mess than masterpiece.  

There are tell-tale signs that indicate hormonal issues and if you experience any of these, a spring detox is highly recommended to restore some harmony. So, what are these signs? They can look like this:

  • Pre-menstrual moodiness, bloating, craving, acne etc, otherwise known as PMS.

  • Irregular periods, break through bleeding in between periods.

  • Fertility problems, both male & female.

  • Cystic ovaries and lumpy breasts.

  • Thyroid imbalances and metabolic issues.

  • Menopausal signs and symptoms such as flushing, night sweats and weight gain.

What are hormone disruptors?

Chemicals just love to disrupt our hormones, and they can come to us through the air we breathe, the water we consume, what we eat and drink, and the products we use on our bodies and in the home or work/play environment.

Some of the common endocrine chemical disruptors include fluorinated compounds, disinfection byproducts, phthalates and bisphenols (otherwise known as BPAs, or plastics), pesticides and synthetic oestrogens. Yep, these are found in water, food, skin products, food storage containers, furniture and fittings in the home, car and office. The workplace is often a major contributor, with exposure to petrochemicals, electro-magnetic frequencies and other disruptors.

What you can do about it:

While it is almost, if not completely, impossible to eliminate our exposure to chemical disruptors, there are things we can do to reduce the toxic load. For example:

  • Improve your water quality. Filter your water. These days, many filtering systems can also re-mineralise your water. AVOID plastic drinking bottles.

  • Reduce chemical agents found in processed foods and unwashed vegetables. Wash your fruit and veg in filtered water, purchase seasonally grown organic produce, and grow your own if you can. Eat a back-to-basics whole food diet. For example: replace processed cereals, breads and pastas with whole grains like brown rice, quinoa and oats; ditch the preservative-laden bottled sauces and dressings and instead, make your own from whole food. We do have a lot of control in this area, and I will devote a future blog to helping you understand the many ways you can minimise the toxic load.  

  • Go clean and natural. Home cleaning and personal care products can be laden with toxic chemicals. Reduce your exposure by choosing natural products like vinegar, bi-carb soda and eucalyptus oil to clean your home. When it comes to personal care, we are fortunate to have a wide range of clean “no-nasties” products available these days.

  • Get some fresh air. Open the windows to let some fresh air into the home, office and car. Get out and walk or exercise daily to let some fresh air into your lungs and some toxins out.

  • Do a detox program. An annual detox is a good idea for most people, and if you are taking any type of hormone therapy or have persistent issues, then twice a year is recommended. Take your spring clean internal!

Customised Detox Programs

There are numerous detox programs available to us these days, from off-the-shelf options to online guides, and their efficacy – and safety -  varies. The best detox program is one that is customised to your body’s needs. With the aid of therapeutic quality herbs and nutraceuticals, I can prescribe your ideal detox program that will not only support your body to eliminate toxins, but will also restore a healthy function to your eliminating organs such as skin, lungs, kidneys, liver and gut (digestive system and bowel). It is a great reset to the whole system, with a rejuvenating and revitalizing effect that will restore harmony to your internal orchestra.  

Spring is the best time to detox, working with the natural energetics and order of things.